this nice picture of Matt is by Geraldine Lavendula

high blood, low blood

southern blood medicine
(as I learned it from Phyllis Light)


with herbalist Matthew Wood
in Detroit, Michigan

Monday, September 12, 2016  

from 11am to 5pm



The only diagnostic folk medical system native to North America, though having roots in Africa...


As we age our circulation and blood start to change. Many of these changes are best indicators of that process. At the same time, many of these represent constitutional imbalances that can occur at any time in life. These changes also occur in some measure with the seasons and it helps us to learn to live in tune with the seasons.


In this class we will study the eight major categories of changes in the blood: high/low, thick/thin, fast/slow, clean/toxic (or good/bad), and cold/hot. This is the only diagnostic folk medical system native to North America, although having discernible roots in Africa. The old folks likened it to a tree: in the summer the sap is high, thin, fast, and clean, while in the winter it is low, thick, slow, and heavy. We need to be in tune with the “seasons of the blood” every year, for best health. Matthew Wood MS (Herbal Medicine) Professional Herbalist (AHG)



Exhalation Intergrative Wellness in Detroit, Michigan.


   18930 Greenfield Rd
   Detroit, MI 48235


Click here for directions. 


A limited number of scholarships are available, to be selected according to need and how one will bring this info back to their community.  Email to inquire.


to register...
To register, please either use the PayPal link below or contact me about sending a check.  Pre-registering is really, really helpful for me, and deeply appreciated.  But, if you really need to, you can bring payment the day of the walk (though it's always nice if you can let me know you're coming). 

   pay via PayPal... 


Matthew Wood has been a practicing herbalist since 1982. In a period when many authors and lecturers are merely "arm chair herbalists" who offer theories and opinions based on book learning, and others have turned to the exotic traditions of India or China, he has been an active practitioner of traditional Western herbalism. He has helped thousands of clients over the years, with many difficult health problems. While Matthew believes in the virtue of many other healing modalities, he has always been inspired to learn, preserve, and practice the tradition of herbal medicine descending to us from our European, Anglo-American, and Native American heritage. He is a member of the American Herbalists Guild (registered herbalist) and has earned his Masters of Science degree from the Scottish School of Herbal Medicine (accredited by the University of Wales).   


Have questions about classes? 
I've got answers to frequently asked questions (like times, weather exceptions and such)


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