River Hawk Cafe
Proud Lake State Recreation Area
in Commerce Township, Michigan
. : River Hawk Cafe : .
We'll be meeting at the parking
lot next to the River Hawk Cafe in Commerce Township, Mi.
Please note: you'll
need a Michigan State Park Pass; if you don't have a
park pass associated with your Michigan license
plate, they'll leave a "ticket" on your vehicle
asking you to pay for parking. You can
purchase passes at the park headquarters:
(248) 685-2433
While the following contains explicit directions to
where we'll be starting, maybe the easiest, surest
way to get there is to cut and paste these
coordinates into whatever map app you use:
42.572278, -83.545982
***Use those coordinates, and
DON'T just type in "Proud Lake State Rec Area
into your map app; that could lead you to all kinds
of different places in the park where we won't be.
This google map can be used for
You can also reference this link:
` http://tinyurl.com/riverhawkcafeYou'll want to access the Proud Lake State Recreation
Area from Wixom Road; the entrance can be easy to pass
by, so look for this sign:
Once you turn East onto Park
Headquarters Road you'll see another sign:
Follow that road ALL the way down (pass the park
headquarters office, pass the first parking lot on your
left, pass the River Hawk Annex) until it ends at a dirt
parking lot and the lawn and sidewalk leading to the
Cafe (pictured at the top of this page). DON'T
pass the yellow gate.
Please do review these directions before
heading out to be sure you know where you're
going; cell reception can be spotty and we may not be
able to get calls asking for clarification.