
seal Polygonatum biflorum
herbs for
back & joint pain...
A lot of people suffer
back injuries; I've heard estimates that 65 million
people in America alone suffer from chronic back pain.
Conventional treatment of such injuries usually revolves
around strong pain killers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and
not uncommonly surgery. Unfortunately, it is too common
that these treatments do not yield the recovery hoped
for. One reason for this is that most conventional
approaches are suppressive in nature and don't really
address the issues that need attention in order for
healing to take place. Conventional medicine also tends
to localize treatment to an isolated locality ("your
knee is hurt"), as opposed to looking at connections and
correlations (your knee hurts because it's being
overused to compensate for poor postural alignment).
We are fortunate that
many medicinal herbs, coupled with other therapies, can
offer benefits and healing unique from any other
modality, and possess affinities for types of tissues
(like muscle or nerve or fascia) and not specific
locations. I have applied this knowledge for myself and
with clients over the years, and offer this insight
based on first hand (or perhaps “first back”?)
I thankfully
acknowledge the insights of David Winston, Lise Wolff,
Thomas Easley, Forrest Chalmers and especially Matthew
Wood, which have been invaluable to me in learning how
to address these types of injuries.
back injuries, joint injuries
structure & function; an anatomical overview…
injuries, though in many ways unique from the injuries
of other joints in the body, mirror similar patterns to
them. An understanding of how to treat back injuries,
and the reaction of the rest of the body to them, offers
insights that will prove useful in addressing hurts to
other joints. But in order to do so, we much have at
least a basic understanding of the physiology of the
joints in our bodies.
The foundation of
joints can be viewed as the bones that come together to
make them. There are three types of joints:
which move a lot and are generally the ones we think of
when we say "joints" (knees and shoulders and elbows
and such)
bones that are connected entirely by cartilage and move,
but not so radically as synovial joints (think about the
ribs connecting to the sternum. The discs of the spinal
column are also cartilaginous joints, but the spine has
synovial joints as well)
joints that don't move (think where the plates of the
skull come together)
In synovial joints,
each bone is "capped" with a padding of cartilage, a
hard, gristly substance that pads the more rigid bone
tissue. The junction where these two cartilage capped
bones come together is encapsulated by a membrane called
the synovial membrane, and the space enclosed is filled
with a fluid called synovial fluid, which is produced
from glands with the joint cavity called (can you
guess?) synovial glands. This synovial fluid is
slippery and somewhat viscous (it’s been described as “egglike”),
and provides the lubrication so that the ever moving
joints do so freely and don't abrade or wear at each
other. In addition to merely lubricating the joints, it
softens the outer surface of the cartilage. The joint
itself is held in place by tendons, which connect bones
and muscles, and ligaments, which connect the bones to
In the spinal column,
there are both synovial joints (called “facet joints”)
and cartilaginous joints (these are the actual
discs that separate each vertebra). These discs have
strong and fibrous exteriors to provide stability, and a
softer, gel-like interior to act as a cushion or shock
absorber. Think of them kinda like tough jelly donuts.
Between the facet and cartilaginous joints is an opening
that runs the length of the spine which houses the
spinal cord. Along the length of the spine, 31 pairs of
nerves branch outward and connect the nervous centers of
the body (traditional understanding of what we might
call “nervous centers” are not limited to the brain, but
are housed throughout the body. The heart and solar
plexus are examples, and not just metaphorically; both
contain neural cells grouped into ganglia just as neural
cells in the brain are). The spinal cord itself is
covered by a protective membrane, and is lubricated
within this sheath by cerebrospinal fluid.
Both spinal and other
synovial joints exist interdependently with the muscles
that surround them. Not only do the joints respond to
the will of the muscles, but the muscles are also
responsive to the goings on in the joints.
This is but a very
brief sketch of the structural considerations of joints,
and though it gives a fair picture, it leaves out a
lot. I’d encourage you all to look into learning more
about this anatomy, and as an initial offering would
steer you towards a very clear and concise overview of
spinal anatomy can be found at the
Mayfield Clinic’s website.
We can't just look at
joints, though. A unifying tissue that I feel is always
an exceptionally important factor to consider is fascia,
a fibrous connective tissues that literally binds and
surrounds everything in the body (it's like the
connective tissue embodiment of the Force). Runner's
World did a really good piece on fascia and how it's
involved in injuries
here... do
read that. It's important.
nutrition for the bones and connective tissues
To jump right into the
use of herbs that have a restorative action on bones,
connective tissues and joints would be a misstep.
Before we look to take a remedial action, we should be
sure that all of the body’s needs are being provided.
This allows us to build strong joints from the ground
upward, rather than trying to compensate for a shaky
foundation with herbs or other therapeutic modalities.
Nutrition is
unstateably important. While an overall nutrient rich
diet is key, there are certain minerals and nutrients
that are worthy of special mention in relation t
musculoskeletal wellness.
We’ve all
been ingrained that calcium is the important nutrient to
ensure “strong bones and teeth”. While this is
certainly true and adequate calcium intake (from food)
is an absolute necessity, it should also be noted that
if we look at the countries in the world with the
highest calcium intakes, we find that they also have the
highest rates of osteoporosis. Conversely, developing
countries where, on average, calcium intake is by our
standards sub par, have much lower rates of
osteoporosis. What gives?
There are a couple of
factors at play. One of the most pertinent is that just
because we’re getting calcium doesn’t mean it’s going to
the bones. Activity levels determine where calcium
goes; when we are active, it goes to the bones, when we
are inactive, it leaches out into the serum. So
inactivity, a hallmark of “developed” western cultures,
causes the loss of calcium in the bones. It also favors
the production of bone spurs and other calcifications on
the exterior of the bones, especially if there is
inflammation, which essentially “cooks down” fluids and
causes the precipitation of calcium and other minerals.
The other big factor at
play is that in our obsession with calcium, we neglect
other important vitamins and minerals needed to
effectively absorb and utilize it. Rather, there is a
tendency to grossly over-consume calcium (many even
believe the RDA of calcium is higher than it need be),
and are deficient in its vital adjuncts. Calcium
deficiency is probably more strongly correlated to a
deficiency in the other nutrients needed to absorb and
utilize it than it is to an inadequate consumption of
calcium. Indeed, there is evidence that suggests that
calcium supplements are far
less desirable than dietary calcium.
Increasing evidence also links supplemental calcium
intake (but not calcium found in food) to
increase heart risk.
I personally do not suggest taking calcium as a
Magnesium plays a role in hundreds vital physiological
processes, and those are only the ones we know about.
Therefore, it goes without saying I can’t give it the
attention it deserves. But in regards to the
musculoskeletal system, magnesium is of vital
importance. Magnesium deficiency, like inactivity,
causes the blood to become pull calcium from the bones.
It also inclines towards more brittle bones, since
calcium is, by itself, a more brittle mineral. There is
a direct relationship between magnesium deficiency and
muscle tension and spasm, both of skeletal muscles, and
of the heart, and severe muscle spasms and tension can
be caused by or predisposed by magnesium deficiency.
It is generally agreed
among holistic nutritionists that a 2:1 ratio of calcium
to magnesium is desired. Herbalist and clinical
nutritionist Paul Bergner estimates that the average
ratio among Americans is 7:1, and not uncommonly
higher. Not only is this disparity between calcium and
magnesium bad, but it is also the case that the vast
majority – even amongst health & diet conscious folks –
are magnesium deficient. Now, supposing that one knows
that a 2:1 Ca/Mg ratio is ideal, and they buy a 2:1
mineral supplement, then they actually worsen the
gap, going from (let’s say) 7:1 to 9:2 (okay, yeah, I
know you can't actually do the math like that, but it
still aggravates the balance rather than fixing it).
Unless someone has some
reason to think they are truly calcium deficient
(meaning they aren't actually consuming enough in their
diet), it is often a better idea to take, solely,
magnesium. I prefer ionic forms of magnesium to ensure
absorption, though a good chelate certainly works.
vitamin d
Vitamin D is essential
to the proper absorption and utilization of both calcium
and magnesium. Our bodies will produce their own
Vitamin D if provided adequate sunlight to the skin, but
in the US, especially throughout the winter in the
northern latitudes, our sun exposure often is not
adequate. Vitamin D3 is preferable to D2, though
because D3 is an animal based supplement (most derived
from sheep's wool) some vegetarians and vegans choose
not to use it. D2 is better than no D at all. Vitamin
D also helps inflammatory processes to function more
Boron is a trace
element that aids in the efficient uptake and
utilization of calcium and magnesium. It also helps to
prevent it loss from the body. It may achieve this end
by helping to convert Vitamin D to its active form.
This is not usually considered an “essential nutrient” -
there is no RDA for silica – it is of vital importance
in the structure of all connective tissues, offering
strength, resilience and flexibility. Silica forms the
matrix of bones, cartilage, tendons, blood vessels, and
myriad other tissues, and provides the structure for
proper mineralization, and aids in the utilization of
iron, calcium, magnesium, boron and potassium. It has
been shown that high levels of silica and lower levels
of calcium form stronger bones that high levels of
calcium and low levels of silica. One sign of silica
deficiency is brittle nails and hair with lots of split
ends, both of which are formed primarily of silica.
Silica is best obtained from strong infusions of herbs
such as horsetail and (ideally, in my opinion) oatstraw.
omega 3 essential fatty acids
Omega 3 essential fatty
acids are just that: essential. Unfortunately, they are
often lacking from the diet. Omega 3 EFAs help to
reduce inflammation throughout the body. Actually, it
is probably more accurate to say that a lack of
Omega 3s promotes inflammation throughout the
body; that this inflammation can be a deficiency
syndrome. Omega 3 EFAs also promote stronger bones, and
give tissues a greater elasticity, making them more
pliable and so less prone to injury. And they improve
cardiovascular health, and they ease depression (itself
another deficiency sign), and and and… I could go on a
long time.
Omega 3 EFAs are found
in certain plants (flax seed, hemp seed, evening
primrose oil), in fish and in some other meats. Animal
sources, though, must be wild, or raised in a manner
similar to that. Though, for example, salmon is one of
the richest sources of Omega 3 EFAs, farmed salmon has
little. Similarly, cows, if free ranging and pasture
fed, will contain some Omega 3s (though nowhere near as
much as fish), but do not when raised on a poor diet in
a feedlot. Better red meat sources that have
appreciable levels of Omega 3s include deer, elk, bison,
and other game animals. You can also get Omega 3 EFAs
in some eggs (it’ll say on the carton). There is,
though, a difference between the Omega 3s contained in
plant versus animal sources, and one that will not make
vegetarians all that happy. Plants sources of Omega 3
EFAs contain alpha linolenic acid (ALA), which is
referred to, structurally as a “short chain” EFA.
Animal sources contain eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), both of which are long chain
EFAs. These long chain EFAs are the ones our bodies
need. Though the body does have the ability to convert
ALA to EPA and DHA, it has been shown to only convert,
at the most, 10%. So, in terms of supplements, fish
oils are far more efficiently used by the body than
plant based Omega 3s. Another concern with a specific
plant based Omega 3 EFA, flax seed oil, is that it has
such poor stability once press that virtually all
flax seed oil available today is some degree of rancid,
and consuming rancid fats is not a good idea. Flax
seed, and the ALA it contains is still useful, but best
taken freshly ground and added liberally to foods as a
bone broth
Traditional bone broth in modern health and disease, by
Allison Siebecker discusses the impressive nutritional
content of bone broths. I consider bone broths to be
perhaps the best food based source of nutrition for the
bones and connective tissues.
body work and adjunct therapies
If you’ve hurt your
back or a joint, you can’t just “take stuff”. There are
other things that are equally, and even more,
important. Of these, two stand out as paramount:
it easy. Rest and time will do the most good, and I
promise you, if one thing is sure, overexertion and not
allowing yourself time to heal will result in more pain
and prolonged healing time. This is very hard for some
people, for both legitimate and ideological reasons, but
it is a time for thinking about how your decisions will
impact you long term, not short term, especially in
cases of back injuries. Even if you have no choice but
to work or care for dependents, look for as many
opportunities as possible to rest.
Body Awareness. Many of the other options I list
below are based on this, but one needs to develop a keen
sense of their body’s reactions when dealing with back
and joint injuries, so that they can remain aware of
when they are, for example, stretching enough, and when
they are pushing things too far. When participating in
any therapies or engaging in any activities, your own
body awareness should be your guide as to what you’re
able to do and what you can’t.
I feel that some type
of bodywork is immensely important (dare I say
essential?) in the address of back and joint injuries;
herbal approaches work much better in conjunction with
bodywork, and bodywork is much more effective with
personalized herbal support.
stretching and yoga…
One of the
things that happens when we injure a joint is that the
muscles surrounding it tense up protectively. They
often hold onto that tension, especially if we overexert
ourselves early on. Engaging, very carefully and very
consciously, in movement and stretching will help relax
tension in the muscles, and gradually reduce their
tendency to spasm or lock up. I cannot emphasize
enough the “carefully” and “consciously” part. I
feel that, especially initially in severe injuries, only
very subtle “micromovements” are justified, cautiously
exploring where and how your body is holding tension,
and how it reacts to movement. Though immobilization is
often a part of conventional therapies, this markedly
weakens the muscles and also may allow them to adopt
their tense, locked up state as normal.
Yoga may be an
excellent means of facilitating this, but one must keep
in the forefront of their mind not to overdo it. “Good
postures for backs” is a broad grouping of stretches
that may be wonderful but also may be very bad for this
or that person’s particular back injury. Same goes for
injured joints like knees and elbows. A good yoga
instructor can be a valuable guide, but be wary of any
that seem to have a heroic disposition that you feel
pushes past the limits of your body awareness (I've
heard that there are some heroic yoga teachers out
Massage is
very important, again keeping in mind that, especially
during the acute phase of an injury when the muscles are
very reactive, you don’t overdo it. Massage helps relax
the muscles and improve circulation of both blood and
the body’s vital energy. Massage can be made more
therapeutic by using various herbal oils, balms or
liniments, which will help deliver their medicine
topically over the injured area. Massage would be
inappropriate over an area that shows sign of infection.
Chiropractors are doctors that specialize in spines, and
one of the first types of holistic approaches that many
think of in relation to spinal injuries. I think it
makes sense to consult with them when the spine is
injured. Unfortunately, they are viewed as “quacks” by
many people, and there are some chiropractors that have
a more drastic approach that leaves many people turned
off to them. A good chiropractor is not just trying to
get you to “crack”, but is gentle and not forceful
unless very specifically applied. This, I think, is the
hallmark of a good chiropractor. Because a bad
chiropractor can absolutely aggravate injuries, try to
get a referral.
myofascial release & structural integration/rolfing…
Bodywork that focuses
on the fascia stress and postural patterns of excess and
deficiency (how certain muscle groups take on the strain
of compensating for weaker ones) have become my favorite
form of bodywork for treating musculoskeletal injuries,
especially when they have progressed beyond mere
muscular tension and holding patterns. The focus on
breaking compensatory stress patterns is especially
important: 2-3 great bodywork sessions a week will do
little good if you sit at a desk job all day with poor
postural habits. While
myofascial release
and structural integration (sometimes simply called "Rolfing"
after one of its early founders) could be considered
different disciplines, they merge together excellently,
as demonstrated by practitioners like
Tom Myers.
There are numerous
other useful therapies one might apply; really, the
scope of possibilities is literally endless. Reiki, qi
gong, biofeedback, bowen, acupuncture and many others
have immense potential for benefit.
One consideration, most
prevalent in acute back injuries, is whether traveling
and getting in and out of a car will undo the benefits
offered by the treatment. It may be the case that
initially, rest at home will afford more benefit than
the trauma (literally) that a car ride can inflict.
I'd add as well that a
skilled practitioner is often more important that the
name of their technique. Look for referrals; the
bodyworkers that multiple people rave about.
hard realities
I want so badly to tell
those afflicted by back and joint injuries: move at your
own pace, don't overdo it, don't push to hard, and take
as much time as you need. But, unfortunately, that's
not realistic for many people who have to work to pay
their rent/mortgage/bills and feed their kids. Most of
us, unless really privileged with enough financial
support to afford to take the time we need, will have
to start using our bodies before we're really ready.
This is a reality we'll have to work within and around
when helping with clients.
herbal treatment of back & joint injuries
Herbs, because they act
on such a broad spectrum of systems, tissues and
reactions, offer virtues in addressing back and joint
injuries that few if any other options give to us. Some
of the virtues they offer are clear, while others may
seem “nebulous” to the more rational in thought. Very
often, a single herb will act in several complimentary
ways. I will offer here the herbs I have seen to work,
and those taught to me by other herbalists I know and
have faith in. Many of these herbs are obscure and may
be hard to find in commerce; in fact, some of the most
valuable aren’t offered by any health food stores or
commercially distributed supplement companies at all.
Try looking online for herbalists who may be offering
any of the more difficult to find herbs.
dealing with pain…
This is, for obvious
reasons, the first thing most people want resolved. If
the person goes to a doctor, they’ll quite likely get
prescribed strong pain meds, especially for bad back
There are, however,
significant risks to the use of pain meds. Obviously,
we need to acknowledge that these are strong
medications, and with them come side effects,
interactions and a strong potential for addiction (I
think it's best to seek out a caregiver from the get go
to monitor the use of opiates so any issues with
overuse/dependence/addiction can be addressed early).
But less obviously, and perhaps more pertinently, their
very effectiveness as pain relievers pose significant
risks. This is because pain, uncomfortable as it can
be, is an important means of communication between the
physiological body and the conscious intellect. Pain
tells us what we can and can’t do. It forces us to give
in when we might choose to forge on. It is a vital
reaction, and if we silence it, we will not be able to
hear its wisdom, which might be "Don't do that."
If we choose to use
strong pain meds, it allows us to better go about our
day, but in doing so we cannot hear our body telling us
that we are re-injuring ourselves, and in doing so
worsening the original injury. Even something so simple
as carelessly getting in and out of a car can result in
significant trauma, and thwart the body’s efforts to
heal. But because people using strong pain meds may not
be able to feel the pain, they do not know that the
trauma is occurring. It is my opinion that this
accounts for the need so often for back injuries to be
treated surgically; a person comes in, they get pain
meds, these meds allow them to overexert and re-injure
the body several times each day, and then the lack of
healing that results from this is used to justify the
need for surgery.
This is not to say that
someone should not take pain meds. Sometimes relief
from constant pain, even if brought on by
pharmaceuticals, will afford a healing not attainable by
other means. However, it is vital that if one
chooses to use these drugs that they adhere to the rest
required by such an injury, and not use the drugs as a
means to go about business as usual. No herb, no drug,
no therapy, no surgical procedure can bypass the need to
take it easy, at least without consequences in the long
No herbs - at least no legal and safely used herbs - are
as broadly potent as pharmaceutical pain killers. There
are a few exceptions to this, but these plants are quite
strong, potentially toxic, and should only be used by
those knowledgeable about them. This does not mean
though that herbs are inferior; quite the contrary.
Used skillfully, herbs will not simply suppress pain,
but rather resolve the conditions that are causing it.
This approach generally does not result in immediate
relief as do pain meds, but can yield a far better long
term recovery.
To achieve this end, we
need to use herbs with more specificity than is often
done, and to do that, we need to look at the pain in the
same way. Pain is not different only in degree, but
also in quality. It may be dull and achy, it may be
stabbing, it may feel like searing heat. When we
differentiate pain in such a manner, we learn to
understand the language in which it speaks to us, and we
can use this understanding to form the most effective
While the varieties of
pain are extensive, when addressing injuries to joints
we can use the structures affected to help us
differentiate possible remedies:
pain from injury, spasm and constriction
addressing muscle reactions…
One of the first
responses by the body to injury of the back or joints is
for the muscles surrounding the injury to seize up.
This helps prevent movement that may worsen the injury;
in a very literal sense the body is using the
constricted muscles to form a natural “splint” around
the joint. As anyone who has ever experienced this
knows, though, the pain can be agonizing. In the
initial stages of injury (say the first few hours), an
application of ice can help relieve some of this pain
while the person is returned to an environment in which
they can rest and take it easy. There is a difference
of opinion in whether, after this initial period, it is
appropriate to use ice, heat, or alternating heat and
cold. Good points can be made on all sides. In my
opinion, using heat, or alternating heat and cold will
more effectively help the muscles “let go” and reduce
their tendency to spasm or stay in tight constriction.
There are, however, exceptions, and it is usually clear
to the person with the injury which end of the spectrum
feels most appropriate.
Following the injury,
the muscles don’t just slip back into a state of
relaxation. Rather, it is quite appropriate to say that
they stay on a vigil, cautiously watching for any
movements or actions that might aggravate the injury,
and if they sense these, they will spasm and bind up,
causing often excruciating pain. The first step to
dealing with this is to listen to it: don’t do the
things that cause it. Of course, that’s not so easy,
since you may be lying in bed and would prefer to go to
the bathroom to pee than to do it right there. So
you’ll need to move very carefully and very slowly,
using your greatest concentration and awareness to
figure out how you can get up, sit down, or whatever
movement you deem necessary. In doing so, listen to
what your body says it can and can’t do. While it may
say it can’t do anything, you’ll likely find that
some specific sequence of movements will afford you the
ability to move less painfully than other ways. If you
are using pain meds, it is very important you try to be
as aware of the reactions of your body to your movements
as possible, because each time the body goes into a
state of intense spasm, that aggravates the injury and
reinforces the tendency of the muscles to do so again.
It sets you back. This sets up a state in the muscles
that I refer to as “hypervigilance” or “reactivity”;
they are more prone to go into spasm, even when they
just think you might do something that would be
risky. The degree to which they do this can be minor or
debilitating, and it can even recur long after the
initial injury is healed.
Thankfully, there are
numerous herbs that possess antispasmodic activity; each
one with its own niches and indications. Among them, I
have found the following to be especially useful. In
regards to which form of the herb works best, I am
referring to each remedy prepared as a tincture, unless
otherwise noted. Also, while I will suggest dosage
ranges as is appropriate for each plant, the most
important consideration in the use of these herbs is
that they need to be taken, at least initially, quite
frequently; at least every hour, though preferably every
half hour and if indicated every 15-20 minutes. As
muscle reactivity lessens, dosage can lessen as well,
but do understand that while a commercially prepared
tincture of cramp bark might say “Take 30-40 drops 3
times a day”, that just won’t cut it in an acute
situation. Rather, smaller, more frequent doses provide
a continual influence of the herb on the system, and
will yield a greater relaxant activity. Exceptions are
noted in their summaries. And of course, remember the
foundational role of magnesium.
cramp bark
viburnum opulus, v. prunefolium, v. acerfolium
bark, as its name clearly implies, is used to treat
cramping. While many herbal antispasmodics can be very
specific in regards to the kind of cramps they work best
on, the beauty and virtue of cramp bark is that it
possesses a broadly effective relaxant action that works
throughout the body to reduce muscle tension and
reactivity. Though small, frequent doses do work, I
find its action most effective when taken in doses of
around 30 drops of tincture. I often alternate this
with more specific remedies, taking these more
frequently, and cramp bark every two or three doses.
black cohosh
cimicifuga racemosa
black cohosh has been pigeon holed as a “menopause herb”
by supplement company marketing, it excels at treating
muscle pain characterized by significant stiffness and a
dull, achy, tender sensation. I have used a combination
of black cohosh and arnica tincture (not homeopathic but
herbal) and find that the two together taken in small
frequent doses are very effective at reducing muscle
reactivity. Though arnica is not properly an
antispasmodic, it does act decidedly on muscles,
relieving inflammation and increasing circulation to
them. It may be worth noting that I feel that black
cohosh tincture should be made from the fresh plant.
5-15 drops is a good dose range; I feel that larger
doses of this herb are unnecessary.
lobelia inflata
is a powerful antispasmodic, indicated by severe spasm.
It doesn’t seem to work so well as a preventive, and so
would not be an herb for regular use, but rather help to
resolve spasm when the muscles are seized up and just
won’t let go. To this end, it can be very effective; I
know of a woman here in Michigan that has used it to
address grand mal seizures, and said it has worked
better than anything she’s ever seen used. Lobelia, in
large doses, can have an emetic effect – it can make a
person throw up, but the tincture taken in small doses
is unlikely to produce this result. It also has a
reputation of being dangerous, and some books have
suggested that overdoses can prove fatal. This is,
though, blatantly untrue. 1-10 drops of lobelia can do
the trick; start low, and work your way up if needed.
More small doses are better than fewer larger doses.
kava kava
piper methysticum
kava is a very effective remedy for relaxing tension,
and it works both on the mind and the muscles. I very
often use it when people are holding their emotional or
mental tension physically, but it can also be useful
when the physical tension of an injury is causing a lot
of mental anxiety and unrest. While I think kava poses
no problems when taken frequently, it’s an herb I’d
restrict to use as needed to deal with the anxiety
attending injury, and not the mainstay of treatment.
Also, I do think kava works rather nice in larger doses,
anywhere from 30 to 90 drops (1 to 3 “squirts” of
nerve pain…
Nerve pain can be
distinguished from muscle pain by certain
characteristics. Pain that involves numbness, tingling,
“shooting” or “searing” along the length of a limb
indicates to us that the nerves are involved. While
there is certainly an overlap in the herbs that treat
muscular and nerve pain, the following are among the
most effective:
saint john’s wort
hypericum perforatum
john’s wort has been popularized as an “herbal
antidepressant", but it is an incredible remedy for
injured nerves. Saint john’s wort seems to effectively
restore the function of injured nerves, whether the
injury has impaired their function (causing numbness,
tingling and impaired sensation) or induced excessive
reactivity (shooting and searing pains along the length
of a nerve, as in sciatica, which it is specific for).
Saint john’s wort not only helps to resolve the pain of
nerve injuries, and probably the inflammation as well,
but it also appears to build up and restore damaged or
poorly functioning nerve cells to proper function; what
herbalists call a trophorestorative. Saint john’s wort
helps to relax muscles as well, though its actions on
the nerves remedy predominate. 5-15 drop doses are
effective, more can be taken if needed. External
applications of an infused oil can also be astoundingly
in their effect. Dried saint john’s wort loses much of
its virtues over time; look for preparations made from
the fresh or freshly dried plant.
It must be noted that
saint john’s wort does interact with certain
medications, causing them to be cleared from the body
more rapidly. Because of this, it must be used with
awareness and not used with drugs it may interact with.
Be aware that it does not act with all drugs, but only
those that are processed through certain detoxification
channels in the body
jamaican dogwood
piscidia erythrina
Jamaican dogwood is a very effective and
unique remedy for pain. It has an action on both
muscular and nerve pain, and when the tincture is
applied topically, it can produce a topical anesthetic
action. I’ve used jamaican dogwood when there is a
combination of tight muscle constriction and very
sensitive nerve pain. I’ve found it very effective as
well when mental tension causes the muscles to lock up
and not give. Though jamaican dogwood can be toxic in
large doses, the large doses are measured in ounces, and
not drops, and as the eclectic herbalist Finley
Ellingwood says, it may “truly be called a harmless
nerve sedative, indicated in the three following
conditions: (1) spasmodic affections; (2) neuralgic
affections; (3) cerebral excitation.” Dosage range
would be 5-30 drops, using 30 if needed, not from the
prickly ash
xanthoxylum americanum
ash tincture seems to act as both a circulatory
stimulant and a "nerve stimulant"; helping to stimulate
under-functioning nerves in a manner that can't
simply be understood as resulting from increased blood
flow. I use it when there is numbness and tingling
in the nerves accompanies by poor peripheral
circulation. 5-10 drops
should do, as needed.
sweet clover
melilotus officinalis, m. alba
white and yellow sweet clover have been used to treat
nerve pain, specifically sharp, stabbing pain. King’s
American Dispensatory states that “Many observers have
found it peculiarly effective in certain painful
disorders, particularly neuralgias of long
standing and associated with debility.” Harvey Wickes
Felter adds, “Melilotus is a remedy for pain associated
with a sensation of coldness of the extremities and
marked tenderness, lameness, or soreness to the touch.”
5-15 drop doses should be sufficient.
urtica dioica, u. urens
in regards to addressing joint injuries, can be
remarkable when the fresh plant is used to sting the
area over the injury. This use, called “urtication”,
was once traditionally used to address injuries
resulting in impaired nerve function, loss of sensation
and paralysis. I’ve also used it to address
inflammation in joints; it is specifically useful in
tendonitis and other repetitive stress injuries, and has
been used effectively in various forms of arthritis as
well. Probably, it works by calling blood to the area
affected. Because the sting can be uncomfortable,
people have shunned this use, but I have found the long
term benefits greatly outweigh the short term
Inflammation can also
be a cause of pain, though its initial occurrence is
really a part of the body’s healing response. The
“heat” of inflammation is generated by an increase in
activity in the area affected. So, when we injure
ourselves, the body increases the cellular activity in
that area to heal itself. When inflammation of a joint
becomes chronic, this is a sign that some necessary
function of the healing process cannot be completed; so
we see again that it is a means the body uses to
communicate with us. It may be that we are deficient in
some essential nutrient, such as Omega 3 EFAs, or that
there is a lack of lubrication in the joint. Chronic
inflammation may also result from autoimmune activity or
a food allergy. When we use suppressive
anti-inflammatory medications - or even certain herbs -
we suppress the healing response of the body, and this
can perpetuate the injury as well, even as the
inflammation itself is negated. Thankfully, most
anti-inflammatory herbs do not act suppressively, but
change the conditions in the tissues so that the healing
process completes itself, and returns to a state of
Most of the herbal
anti-inflammatories will be discussed in detail
elsewhere, so here I will simply list them along with
the tissues they seem to affect most. Some herbs
possess a systemic action, which broadens their scope
but also limits the specificity of their action.
cohosh: muscles
john’s wort: muscles and nerves
dogwood: muscles and nerves
clover: nerves
seal: tendons, cartilage and
connective tissues
muscles, tendons, cartilage and connective tissues
herbs (some of them, anyway):
lubrication of joints & tissues…
One cause of
inflammation can be a lack of lubrication in the
joints. A foundational cause of this can be nutrient
deficiency, especially a lack of Omega 3 EFAs. These,
by providing oils, give tissues pliancy and resiliency,
and make cells more resistant to damage. Another cause,
specifically in synovial joints, hinges around the
production and quality of synovial fluid in the joints.
If, for some reason, the production of this fluid is
impaired, there will not be adequate lubrication in the
joint, and as a result friction and abrasion will result
in inflammation. In such instances, using an
anti-inflammatory drug that inhibits the body’s
inflammatory response is inherently short sighted, since
it allows the cause of the condition to remain
unaddressed and further structural damage to take place.
The role of herbs on
the lubrication of joints and the production of synovial
fluid is predominantly founded on empirical observation;
which standard medical process does not, for the most
part, value as a means of discerning legitimacy.
Nonetheless, the results that practitioners have
obtained using these plants speaks volumes. On the
whole, plants acting on lubrication needn’t be used as
frequently as antispasmodics or herbs used for nerve
pain. 3-5 doses a day is usually sufficient, and 2 will
often do, if not optimal.
solomon’s seal
various polygonatum species
I have found
solomon’s seal to be, without a doubt, among the most
valuable herbs for addressing joint injuries of all
kinds. Solomon’s seal seems to have a remarkable
ability to restore proper lubrication in the joints, and
I believe also helps restore pliancy to tendons and
ligaments by supplying moisture to them if they are
atrophied. It is specifically indicated for tendonitis
and other repetitive motion injuries. While nothing
works all the time in all cases, it has been my
experience and that of others I know who use it that
solomon’s seal almost always helps a condition, and
sometimes does so miraculously. Though I can only
speculate, I think that in joints it acts directly of
the synovial glands to restore proper lubrication. I
have frequently seen and experienced solomon’s seal
completely resolve that sensation of friction, grinding,
or clicking in joints, and on a number of occasions see
this result within a few minutes of a single dose of
tincture. This is not always the case, though, and an
immediate response should not be expected outright.
Daily, consistent use of the tincture provides optimal
results. Solomon’s seal, as noted above, seems to act
as an anti-inflammatory on almost all of the connective
tissues (though I don’t feel that it has a pronounced
action on the muscles), this end being achieved by
restoring proper lubrication, which both supplements the
deficiency and acts protectively to reduce friction on
the tissues. Small doses of tincture work quite well; I
tend to use 5 to 10 drops, though Matthew Wood, from
whom I learned about this plant, uses 3 to 5.
I have used both the
tincture internally and the infused oil externally quite
a bit. I’m often asked if the tea will work as well as
the tincture, and the honest answer is that I haven’t
used it and so don’t really know. One consideration
about using tea is that it will require a lot
more root than the tincture, which is less sustainable
bignonia capriolata
learned about this through Thomas Easley and Forrest
Chalmers. Thomas shares "I think crossvine is neutral
to slightly cooling, and moistening, though it's more of
a moisture moving remedy than moisture producing...
closer to nettle than Solomon's seal in my opinion. It's
also relaxing, slight nerve sedative though more in line
with skullcaps nerve tonic properties than a straight
sedative like motherwort. Crossvine has brought many
overworked people back to life. It seems to work on
fascial tension, but also deep seated exhaustion. It's a
true adaptagen/restorative because it doesn't allow you
to push yourself when you take it. You can make a
tincture from the fresh leaves and stems, or an infused
oil with the dried material.
verbascum thapsus
is mostly thought of as a “cough herb”, but is, like
Solomon’s Seal, among the best musculoskeletal remedies
I know of. While both the leaf and root can be used, I
have the most experience with, and am partial to, the
root. To be honest, I’m not entirely sure that Mullein
works by affecting synovial fluids, though this is
Matthew Wood’s hypothesis: “It has a moistening,
lubricating effect on the synovial membranes… so that it
is hydrating to the spine and joints. It is often
indicated in back injuries. People think they are
untreatable and incurable, but an increase the synovial
fluids will make the spine more pliable and comfortable.
The vertebra will slip back into place more readily,
pain and inflammation will decrease and the condition
will get better." So, that’s his thought. What I know
of mullein root (Matt uses the leaves) is that it is one
of the most effective means of addressing back problems
caused by or resulting in misalignment. Whether or not
it’s working via lubrication, mullein root has helped me
immensely when my spine’s been kinked and I couldn’t
straighten up, and I’ve repeatedly seen it work well for
clients and students as well. It seems to be most
effective before the muscles react to the misalignment,
and I’ve seen and experienced numerous instances where a
single dose allow the person (occasionally myself) to
just straighten right up. I think it is specific to
misalignment resulting from herniated discs, as well as
in treating sciatica resulting from misalignment. In
acute cases, with all the nerve and muscle reactions
that go along with them it need to be used more long
term and supportively with other herbs, but after the
acute phase has past and the back is no longer in
“crisis” mode but still weak and not wholly stable,
mullein root on its own can be immensely helpful. I
think of it among the most essential remedies to restore
spinal strength and integrity. 5-15 drops is a good
dose; you can also make a tea from the roots.
fluid stagnation…
Another factor
affecting lubrication is a stagnation of fluids in and
around the joints. Since synovial fluid naturally
exists in a small, encapsulated space, stagnation is not
likely. But other fluids, including cerebrospinal
fluid, blood and lymph are more prone to impaired flow.
black cohosh
cimicifuga racemosa
cohosh, in addition to having an anti-inflammatory and
antispasmodic action on the muscles, seems to possess a
unique lubricating action on the spine. Matthew Wood,
who has shown this plant to be among the best herbs in
treating both recent and old whiplash cases, suggests
that the injury causes a stagnation, or impaired flow,
of the cerebrospinal fluid. We can think of the injury
of whiplash as resulting in something similar to a
kinked hose. Using this analogy, we can recognize that
not only does the kink affect nerve function, but the
ability of the cerebrospinal fluid to properly lubricate
the spinal cord. Matthew Wood and Lise Wolff, both
Minnesotan herbalists, have used black cohosh in
whiplash extensively, and I have seen good results from
it as well, though I usually use it in combination
formulas. If it seems to work, but not fully, a bit of
lobelia (perhaps a dopperful into a one ounce bottle of
black cohosh) can be added to enhance its function.
5-15 drop doses are sufficient, and (again) I feel that
black cohosh should be avoided in larger doses.
achillea millefolium
acts specifically on the blood, and possesses the unique
ability to staunch bleeding, to break up and disperse
congested blood and to dispel stagnation and impaired
circulation, despite that these uses seem
contradictory. It is quite appropriate, if strangely
nebulous, to say “Yarrow knows what to do with the
These unique
multifaceted actions make yarrow an invaluable ally in
addressing any circulatory stagnation resulting from or
concurrent with an injury. Yarrow oil or tincture
applied topically over an area will both increase
circulation in that area, and break up and congealed or
stagnant blood. It may also be used internally in small
doses of the tincture; 5-10 drops. The infusion works
as well, both internally and as a compress. I’ll
elaborate a bit more on yarrow when discussing injuries.
arnica montana and related species
increases the circulation of blood to muscles, and
within and around a joint. It can be applied topically
as a tincture, salve or an infused oil, and also taken
internally. Arnica, in large doses can be very
irritating to tissues and thus has been considered
toxic. In appropriate doses of 5-10 drops, likelihood
of aggravations are rare. Many people use homeopathic
arnica for this reason, and because the uses of the two
forms are almost identical. I’ll elaborate more on
Arnica when discussing injuries below.
calendula officinalis
Calendula is a broadly acting herb, but here we’ll stick
to its uses as a lymphatic. Lymphatic herbs are used to
decongest or otherwise improve the flow of the lymph
within the body. Lymphatic fluid (under various names)
is responsible for supplying the cells with nutrition,
cleaning up metabolic wastes, acting as the environment
in which immune activity takes place and pretty much
makes up most of the interstitial fluid of the body.
Lymphatic fluid is not circulated by a pump as is the
blood (though it does travel with the blood on its way
to the cells), but rather relies on movement of the body
to circulate. Inactivity - which more or less comes
along with most injuries - impairs lymphatic flow, and
thus an herb like calendula can be useful to prevent
stagnation. I’ll elaborate more on calendula (déjà vu?)
when discussing injuries below. Dose of tincture would
be 5-30 drops.
structural integrity…
Of course, when
considering healing from back and joint injuries, we
must acknowledge the foundational importance of the
strength and nutrition of the bones and connective
tissues. If these are weak, then they will have
difficulty healing, and will be prone to re-injury. The
importance of nutrition has already been covered, but I
would like to again stress that excess calcium intake
and the exclusion of the nutrients needed to properly
absorb and utilize it should be thoroughly considered.
There are certain herbs that we can add as offering a
nutritive and strengthening influence…
arvense and related species
Horsetail species are probably the richest sources of
silica available to us via plants. They contain so much
as not to be edible, and their common name “scouring
rush” refers to their use as an abrasive to scour pots
and pans. Since silica, as covered above, is so
important in its role of providing a matrix for all
connective tissues, improving their strength and
resilience, horsetail is a very valuable ally. Steeping
a good handful of the plant in boiling water will
extract a very bioavailable form of silica. As an
infusion, horsetail may be combined with oatstraw (also
high in silica), nettles, raspberry leaf and other
nutrient rich herbs to provide mineral nutrition.
Strangely, though alcohol is a very poor solvent for
silica, the tincture of the fresh plant seems,
nonetheless, to afford many of the benefits we would
ascribe to silica. Why this is I don’t know, but
perhaps the plant not only supplies silica in its whole
form, but also improves the metabolism and utilization
of silica. Dosage of tincture would be 5-15 drops, 2-3
times a day. The infusion would probably be preferable
as a form of nourishment; look to thin hair with
splitting ends and brittle nails as signs of silica
royal fern
osmunda regalis
still getting to know royal fern, but was turned onto it
by Matthew Wood. It’s a very seldom used plant, more
obscure even than mullein root or solomon’s seal, but
what little information can be found on it makes
reference to its usefulness as a restorative medicine
for bones and joints. Eclectic herbalist Finley
Ellingwood wrote of it “With some physicians this agent
is very popular in the treatment of… diseases of the
bones from malnutrition, weakness of the osseous
structure, rickets... It is also useful in weak back,
especially in those cases where, with weakness of the
muscular structure of the back, there are symptoms of
incipient disease of the spinal vertebrae. It has been
used also in subluxations.” Dose would be 5-15 drops, 3
or so times a day. Though traditionally the root was
used, I've taken to using a tincture of the fresh
structural damage-breaks and tears
There are myriad herbs
that can be used to address the damage that physical
trauma inflicts on the body. Probably, no other
modality offers as many virtues or as many options.
Among the most effective, I offer...
symphytum officinalis
possesses a remarkable ability to facilitate rapid
healing of virtually all tissues, and has been known and
revered for long ages for this ability. It will heal
broken skin, broken bones, torn muscles, tendons or
ligaments, and just about anything else with great
speed. Recently, though, the presence of potentially
liver toxic pyrolizidine alkaloids in comfrey have
prompted some people to avoid its use. While there is
still much debate on whether comfrey use is likely to
cause liver damage, very good herbalists have opinions
on both sides of the debate. I urge you, if you choose
to use comfrey, to look at the points presented on
either side and make your own educated decision. For my
part, I do not think that, taken in small doses and in
limited duration, the use of comfrey in healing injuries
poses more risk than the benefits it offers. One thing
I would say, though, is that the quick pace at which
comfrey heals may cause problems; for instance, healing
bones together before they are well aligned (in this
case I’d mix it with mullein). Some herbalists have
also voiced suspicions that comfrey may in some cases
produce calcifications around a fracture it’s healing.
I have not seen this, but offer it as a consideration.
arnica montana and related species
is among the premier herbs for treating injury. Applied
topically, it summons the blood and Vital Force of the
body to the injury and will help ease swelling,
inflammation, pain, and bruising. Taken internally it
helps repair and ease the pain resulting from torn
muscles and connective tissues, either from a sprain or
from overzealous exercise (think about the achy feeling
after a workout, or the first day of heavy duty yardwork
in the spring); I’ve taken 5 drops before bed after a
hard days labor to ease that sore, achy, “I did too
much” feeling that often comes the next morning.
Remember, in its herbal form arnica should be used in
small doses of 5-10 drops. Also, because of its action
of summoning blood to the site it is applied topically
to, it should not be used on broken skin. In such
cases, think yarrow.
solomon’s seal
various polygonatum species
Solomon’s seal is very effective at both healing broken
bones (I sometimes call it “bone glue”) and addressing
injuries to tendons, ligaments and fascia. It has a
unique ability to adjust the tension of tendons, helping
relax them if they’re to tight, and tighten them if
they’ve been stretched out, probably through restoring
moisture. It will also heal tissue tears, and for this
would combine well with comfrey, teasel and/or
saint john’s wort
hypericum perforatum
Saint john’s wort is very effective at potentizing the
healing response to trauma, and is specifically
indicated for physical nerve damage, though it also
helps to muscle injuries quite effectively.
arvense and related species
Horsetail is probably one of the best remedies to help
heal broken bones and, particularly, torn cartilage,
tendons and ligaments. The tincture in 5-15 drop doses
works quite well, as does the tea.
achillea millefolium
mentioned above, yarrow helps both to stop bleeding and
also to disperse congealed blood, making it very
important in the treatment of bruising and hematomas.
calendula officinalis
As an
injury remedy, calendula helps the body clean up the
debris that results from trauma to a joint. It helps to
resolve the swelling of injuries by facilitating
lymphatic cleanup.
root has been used to treat torn connective tissues, and
may be among the best remedies for torn muscles. It
possesses an anti-inflammatory action on virtually all
joint tissues, and David Winston has spoken of its
usefulness in treating narrowing of the vertebral
discs. Dose of tincture: 5-15 drops.
hydrastis canadensis
Goldenseal tincture can be applied topically, or taken
in very small (1-3 drop) doses internally to help
strengthen weak and injured spinal discs. This is
another use I learned from Matthew Wood, and know works,
but have no real sense of how. When I first tried
goldenseal for a herniated disc, I could immediately
feel it working. I think it has a very important place
in the treatment of disc injuries, as well as Matt’s
other uses, torn bursa and torn meniscus. Please
though, if using goldenseal, only use organically
cultivated root. This plant is endangered in the wild
because of its popularity as an herbal medicine.
creating formulas and customizing treatment…
While I have presented most of the herbs individually,
with a few references to combinations, using a number of
the herbs together to address the totality of the injury
is essential to attaining optimal results. Using
mullein, for example, to help align the spine will do
little good if powerful muscle spasms are pulling it
back out of alignment.
The way I use this structure is to assess each category
covered above, consider whether and to what degree it
applies, and choose the appropriate herb(s), and then
use these to blend a formula or two. These don't need
to be mixed all together in one formula, and probably
shouldn't be. Herbs like horsetail or solomon's seal to
help repair damage can be taken a fixed number of times
a day, but herbs for pain and spasm should be prepared
in formulas that can be taken as needed.
Well crafted formulas are like well crafted meals; it
takes time and a knowledge of the ingredients to make
the best recipes. This familiarity, though, comes from
experience, and there is no substitute for trying the
herbs and seeing how they work in specific situations.
We learn by doing.
couldn't possibly stress enough how important daily
ongoing use of topicals is;
they’re just as important as internal remedies, and
shouldn’t be ignored or underestimated.
hot and cold…
with an injury has heard, at some point, “You need to
ice that.” In an acute situation, at the time of and
shortly after an injury I agree. But I feel that
ongoing cold applications can (and often do) become a
serious barrier to healing. It’s helpful to consider
the nature of hot and cold applications.
slows processes, numbs pain, inhibits inflammation, and
reduces swelling by causing contraction. All these
actions make a lot of sense right when you twist you
ankle or hurt your back… the injury is happening now,
and applying cold quickly helps to lessen the spread of
the damage. Cold is also generally soothing to nerve
pain, and that can warrant its consideration outside of
an initial injury (though realize that the cold will
slow down other healing responses). Bags of frozen
vegetables make nice cold packs (peas more than
broccoli), though ice is the standard.
tends to relax muscles (and pain associated with spasm
and tension), stimulate circulation, and clear
stagnation by increasing activity in the area. It
generally supports the body’s healing responses -
inflammation and swelling are just that – and helps
prevent the response from becoming stuck. Rice, flax
seed, buckwheat hulls and other grains can be bagged and
microwaved for a couple minutes to make a really good
heat pack. I fact, this may be the only good reason to
own a microwave.
You can
of course alternate hot and cold applications; this also
increases circulation and activity into an area, and if
cold is indicated, I think this is the best means of
applying it outside of acute situations.
topical tinctures, compresses & infused oils…
herbal oils, compresses and topically applied tinctures
are incredibly efficacious in addressing many of the
issues related to joint and back injuries, and are an
important part of treatment. Regular use makes such a
big difference in their ability to manifest their full
potential. If you’ve got chronic pain, and you only
apply these topicals when it’s really bad, you simply
won’t get the same results as you’d be able to if making
it a point to apply them a couple times daily… that
regular application offers a persistent influence to the
herb's virtues, and access to its full potential. In
acute situations, I like to apply oils and then heat.
Before bed is a great time.
I prefer
infused oils for a slower but more lasting application
of the herbs I'm using; tinctures or liniments (usually
made with rubbing alcohol, which is just kinda creepy)
can have a faster acting but more transient effect.
Compresses are wonderful, but are much messier and
require more time and space to sit with them on. They
also get cold fast. I like to use a crockpot of slow
cooker with two washcloths; once one gets cold, just
swap it out for the other. It saves a lot of
aggravation running back and forth between the bed or
couch or comfy chair and the stove.
applying topicals, especially oils, take some time to
mindfully rub them in. They don't always need to be
applied with massage (though that's often nice), but
every application is an opportunity to check in, feel
where the injury is at, and keep track of progress &
course, warn people about oil stains on their clothing.
Dr. Bronner's Sal Suds is AMAZING for getting out oil
indications for a few topical
preparations (tinctures/compresses/oils,
as desired/available/practical):
injury counter irritant for bruising/swelling/pain
saint john’s wort:
nerve and
muscle involvement
solomon’s seal:
with friction; strained
swelling, pain from overuse or injury
bleeding, blood statis/hematoma
wild/true ginger:
tension where heat feels better; older/chronic injuries
lobelia: major tension/spasm
tension with stress. The infused oil is absolutely
amanita muscaria liniment:
applied topically only for relief of nerve pain.
This presents, I think,
a rather useful overview of some of the possibilities
offered by plant medicines, and one, I feel, that
presents information not easily found elsewhere. As is
always the case, I feel like a truly comprehensive
exploration of the topic could go on infinitely, so
please view this presentation as a foundation to expand
In closing, I would
like to make offer the idea that one of the (albeit
bittersweet) gifts that an injury gives to us is
humility. It’s often very easy to think we know what
would be good for someone to do for this or that
problem, but when we are afflicted by a severely or
chronically painful condition, all pretenses of ego fall
away (its hard to have to big an ego when it takes you a
half hour to get out of bed). It is important to
remember that even when we do a exceptional job healing
an injury, we cannot pretend that we are over and done
with it for good. Very often, even when we have done an
impeccable job in healing, we are left with a joint or
back that while strong, is not “like new”. While I’ve
found that I can still do really aggressive lifting
(like portaging a canoe on top my head), I also know
that when I’m stressed and overexerted my back is more
susceptible to having a relapse. This isn’t because I
didn’t do a good enough job healing, but because an
injury leaves an imprint in the body which will
resurface when we need to be told again to pay more
attention and take greater care of our body.
There are always, in
any therapy or treatment, limitations, and while the use
of herbs to address back and joint injuries has
constantly and repeatedly amazed me, there are still
times when my best efforts don’t work well enough, and
others when I just don’t know quite what to do. In some
of these cases, the options afforded by modern medicine,
which can be so inappropriate as an initial option, may
provide the best choice to make. If this is the case,
it makes no sense whatsoever to deny their usefulness,
or to feel like turning to those options means you have
in any way failed or been failed by more holistic
alternatives. Holism is by nature inclusive; even of
conventional medical practice.
I think, however, that
such an end can be made far less common if the ideas and
principles outlined here are explored and implemented as
indicated. When we nourish ourselves and use herbs to
enhance, rather than suppress, our body’s innate
responses, we are again taught humility by the power and
potential of the healing force that resides within us.
This, at least, has been, and continues to be, my
© jim