wild roots
and fall foliage
. : michigan's medicinal plants : .
jim mcdonald
from noon till 6(ish)
on Sunday, September __th, 2020
Upland Hills Ecological Awareness Center
Oxford, MI
$50 in
advance or $60 at
the door
(see below for
preregistration info)
***please bring along a lunch or food to
Autumn is the season of harvest, and the last
opportunity to gather wild herbs before they are buried
under winter snow. Herbalist jim mcdonald will be
leading participants around the fields and woods
surrounding the EAC in Oxford to explore the medicinal
virtues, identification, folklore and preparation of
many of the common "weeds" we pass by every day. The
information presented will be both specific and
practical, based on Jim's twenty years experience in
gathering, preparing, and using herbal remedies, and
provide a basis for participants to incorporate what
they have learned into usable skills with which to
maintain and restore health. Some of the plants to be
covered include Burdock, Yellow Dock, Solomon's Seal, &
Wild Yam.
jim mcdonald
has been practicing the art of herbcraft for over 22 years, and offers a knowledge of herbalism that blends
western folk and indigenous views of healing with the Vitalist traditions of 19th century western herbalism. He
has taught classes and workshops throughout Great Lakes
bioregion and the US, hosts the website
www.herbcraft.org and is currently writing
(alternately) "A Great Lakes Herbal" and "Foundational
Herbcraft". Jim is a community herbalist, a manic
wildcrafter and medicine maker, an occasional email
mangler, and has been an ardent student of the most
learned teachers of herbcraft... the plants themselves.
you can preregister for
the class by paying
to Upland Hills EAC using this link (the class is
at the door):
Have questions about
I've got answers to frequently asked questions (like
times, weather exceptions and such)