various Malus spp.
Is it really worth describing the apple
tree? Real quick, they're not too big... 8 to 20 feet
would be average. You might find some up to 50 feet,
but that'd be an exception. In spring they're all
a-blossom, ranging in colors from white and pink to
purplish red. The leaves are generally oval, and
can be darker green on top than underneath. Apple wood is
reasonably hard, and used to be used in making handles for
tools. The trees often have an abundance of dead
lower limbs still attached, and these make great kindling
and fire wood, as they stay dry up off the ground and
break off pretty easily. The fruits... you
know what the fruits look like... Though there are almost
infinite varieties of apples, for our purposes, we needn't
distinguish. Rather, a taste will reveal the degree
of potency.
The leaves and bark of the apple tree possess cooling, astringent
properties that make it useful in a number of conditions.
The inner bark has been used as a folk medicine to treat
hyperacidity and heartburn. Herbalist
Tommie Bass
tells us, "Make a tea or syrup from the bark (or leaves in
the summer) for a sour stomach or if the stomach burns.
It settles your stomach". Apple is an ideal
remedy in treating this malady, as rather than
(misguidedly) focusing on lessening acidity, its astringency restores strength and
tone to the sphincter that separates the harsh stomach
acids from the esophagus, thereby addressing the most
likely cause of most heartburn and reflux. Combine
it with a tissue healing vulnerary like plantain and a
soothing demulcent (perhaps some mallow or another) and
you've got a wonderful, multipronged formula. Like
most astringents, apple leaves or bark will likewise be
of benefit during bouts of diarrhea, or to address chronic
loose stools (of course, if your stool are chronically
loose, you might explore the potential for food
allergies). Additionally, apple is anti-inflammatory, and its mild
bitterness will also promote more efficient digestion.
Apple leaves may be used similarly to
the bark, though they are milder in astringency.
They make an excellent topical application, and may be
chewed and applied as a poultice to inflamed swellings,
boils or infected bites, which they relieve by virtue of
both their astringent and antiseptic qualities.
These would be excellent first aid applications for bug
bites and thorn scratches, and the other common maladies
that can occur during a good days hike. The
infusion or tincture can be
swished in the mouth to tone weak and easily bleeding
John Hill wrote "Verjuice
(pressed unripe crab apple juice) is made from the crab;
and it is a remedy for the falling down of the uvula,
better than most other applications: it is also good,
against sore throats, and in all disorders of the mouth."
Apple has also been used to ease inflammations and
infections of the eyes, usually as a compress. The
best telling of such a use come from
Hildegard von Bingen,
and is worth quoting at length: "A person, whether old
or young, who suffers a fogginess in his eyes for any
reason should take the leaves of this tree in
springtime, before it produces its fruit for the year.
When these first come out at the beginning of spring,
they are tender and healthy, like young girls before
they produce children (jim
inserts: "WTF, Hildegard?), he should pound these leaves and
express their sap, and to this add an equal measure of
the drops that flow from the grapevine. He should place
this in a metallic jar, and at night when he goes to
bed, he should moisten his eyelids and eyes with a
feather dipped in a bit of it. It should be like dew
falling on grass, and care should be taken that it not
enter the eyes. Then he should sprinkle the crushed
leaves with a bit of the drops that flow from the
grapevine, and place them over his eyes. He should hold
this on with a cloth, and sleep with it on. If he does
this often, the fogginess will be driven from his eyes,
and he will see clearly."
Apple bark used to be used in treating fever as well,
though it's not on my list of things I'd start with...
mainly because, at the moment, I really don't get its
mode of action.
Scudder wrote "Though
so common and easily prepared, this remedy has been but
little studied. It possesses tonic and antiperiodic
properties, and may be employed in a great many cases
instead of more costly remedies. The only use I have
made of it was in intermittent fevers, and whilst it was
not a substitute for Quinia (quinine), it evidently
exerted a good influence upon the disease, especially in
preventing a recurrence of the paroxysms." Of the fruit
rather than bark,
Felter and Lloyd share the
following, (which is useful to know, since apples are
likely more common in the homes of fever-stricken friends
and family than yarrow and elder blossoms): "An apple tea
may be made for fever patients, by boiling a tart apple in
1/2 pint of water, and sweetening with sugar."
Culpeper's recipe sounds nicer: An infusion of sliced
apples with their skins in boiling water, a crust of
bread, some barley, and a little mace or all-spice, is a
very proper cooling diet drink in fevers.
Herbalist David Winston told me about a
rather obscure use of apple bark: "One of my early
teachers, the late William Le Sassier used (and I use)
Apple tree bark as a lymphatic and Spleen tonic. It
enhances lymphatic circulation, helps to shrink an
enlarged spleen. It is usually mixed with other
Lymph/Spleen herbs. It is specifically indicated for
splenic congestion, with a slightly enlarged spleen,
tender to the touch, with diarrhea. Gather the bark spring
or autumn." The only other references I've seen for
Apple being use for the spleen come from colonial herbalists
Christopher Sauer, who wrote, "Cider pressed from very ripe sweet
apples and freshly fermented may be boiled to a syrup with
loaf sugar. When several spoonfuls of this are taken
at a time, the syrup is quite useful against splenetic
disorders, for strengthening the heart, and for dispelling faintings or palpitations, as well as melancholies caused
by grief and hard times..." and Hildegard von Bingen,
who recommends taking an olive oil infusion of "the
first shoots of the apple tree."
Also related to it's astringency, apple makes a nice
addition to smoking mixtures. The leaves and bark
give both body and flavor to a blend. I've made a nice kinnickkinnick
(smoking mixture) from a blend of tobacco, apple leaves
and bark, and chamomile... sometimes I'll add a
dusting of crushed clove. Sometimes I leave out
the tobacco. This is a nice blend for people who
want to quit smoking but... they really like smoking.
Get them to ditch cigarettes, and invest in a pipe
(barks don't play well with papers), and, over time, use
less and less tobacco. It can be a helpful way to
lessen tobacco abuse, even if the person still smokes.
Apple cider, produced prolifically throughout the Great
Lakes bioregion, also yields medicinal merit (and few
things taste better). Grieve's Modern Herbal says,
"It is stated on medical authority that in countries where
unsweetened cider is used as a common beverage, stone or
calculus is unknown, and a series of inquiries made of
doctors in Normandy, where cider is the principal drink,
brought to light the fact that not a single case of stone
had been met with during forty years." I find this
likely to be an exaggeration, though probably not without
some truth beneath it.
Felter and Lloyd share that
"A strong decoction or syrup of the sweet apple tree bark
has been employed with success in some cases of gravel".
Cider is also decidedly diuretic, as anyone who's too
greedily hoarded a jug of fresh Cider well knows.
Cider is also a tasty medium for infusing herbs.
King's American Dispensatory makes reference to infusing
parsley or horseradish in cider to treat dropsy.
I've steeped Chamomile in hot Cider (referring to this
drink alternately as "Applemile" and "Cham-apple"
cider), and find it an excellent calming beverage to
take the "anti-nap fight" out of overtired children...
for overtired adults, steep the Chamomile in some hard
Cider (or add a squirt or two of the tincture) for a
little extra "kick".
William Cook writes
that barberry (Berberis vulgaris) is often given
tinctured on hard cider, which is a popular family
remedy for spring "biliousness," through New England.
Dr. S. Thomson was in the habit of prescribing it in the
following form: Four ounces each of berberis, populus,
and prunus; crush and macerate for a few days in a
gallon of cider. Dose, a large tablespoonful or more,
three times a day."
I learned about making cider reductions from
Lynne Rossetto Kasper:
cook down cider from 4 parts to 1 (a gallon to a quart,
or a quart to a cup) and you have cider syrup. I
was inspired: what if you infuse herbs in that? A
favorite is to make hawthorne infused cider syrup.
I add a pound of dried berries to a gallon of
cider, and then strain them out about halfway through
the reduction. It's AWESOME. Really sweet,
but awesome. Sometimes I add a pound of frozen blueberries as well,
or a bit of cinnamon, or whatever I have around and deem
inspiring. Seriously, try it. It keeps a
couple months in the fridge, maybe a bit longer... but I
have seen it ferment/get moldy. What I do is make a batch,
freeze most of it, and just keep a smaller "in use"
batch in the fridge.
Of course, some will have noted that I'm using the term
"cider" here the way most Americans do: to refer to
sweet cider, the unfermented pressed juice. It is
more accurate to recognize that "cider" implies "hard
cider" in much of the world. Provided you're not
drinking sickly sweet pseudo-cider that tastes like
melted Jolly Ranchers (ew), cider (hard) is a truly
healthful drink, higher in
antioxidants, even,
than sweet cider (due to the higher antioxidant levels
found in very tart and bitter cider apples), beer and
comparable to red wine.
And, as referred to in that ever-popular rhyme, even
apples themselves offer remedial benefits. Tommie
Bass tells us, "apples good for constipation, dry apples
good for diarrhea." John King wrote that "Cooked
apples form an excellent local application in ophthalmic
inflammation, …inflammations, sore and swelled throat…,
ulcers, etc."
Maude Grieve shares "Ripe, juicy
apples eaten at bedtime every night will cure some of the
worst forms of constipation. Sour apples are the best for
this purpose." John Sauer offers a couple recipes
for Apple poultices: "Apples that have turned mealy, pared
and with the seeds and cores removed, may be browned in
fresh, drawn butter. After they are browned, lay
them between a double folded cloth and place this on sores
of the breast. This reduces the swelling or else
causes the sores to head up and break. Once they
have opened, daub them with a little
honey, which will
cleanse them and cause them to heal up quickly".
Another, which he suggests for pleurisy and also backache,
cooks past-their-prime apples in an infused oil of
chamomile with a bit of saffron, applied is hot to the
chest or back... does that not sound exquisite?
Applesauce can be a useful medium in which to ingest
powders. Got the runs? Add a liberal
quantity of cinnamon, which will help with that... good
to know if your teas and tinctures are too "weird" for
your muggle friends and family. I've been musing
about elderberry applesauce as well... the antiviral
properties of elder persist after cooking, the flavor
sounds good, and it seems like it could be a great
option for babies who may be avoiding honey (they're at
least "supposed" to) and sugars used in syrups.
Because its far too nebulous a topic, I'm not going to cover
too much about apple cider vinegar (I really
don't think it cures everything, whatever that little
magazine in the grocery store checkout line said...).
Of course, vinegar has long been used as a solvent in
medicine making, with cider vinegar generally preferred.
Acetums (vinegar extracts) are excellent for
mineral rich herbs,
which are highly soluble in vinegar. Added to
alcohol when making tinctures, vinegar enhances the
extraction of alkaloid rich herbs (as an example,
lobelia was commonly macerated in a combination of
alcohol and vinegar to optimize the extraction of
lobeline). A mixture of vinegar and honey gives us
an oxymel, elaborated on beautifully by Rosalee de la
here. As a steam
King's American Dispensatory
sayeth, "The vapor of vinegar, inspired with that from
hot water from a proper inhaler, is of decided service
in most varieties of laryngeal inflammation,
tonsillitis, hoarseness, putrid sore throat, diphtheria,
relaxed sore throat, and ulceration of the fauces; this
inhalation will also be found of great utility in
dryness and irritation of the pulmonary tubes
during measles and other exanthematous diseases."
An interesting formula by Tommie
Bass for poison ivy: 2 cups oak bark (apple bark will do, too), 1 quart apple cider vinegar, & 1 quart
water. Slow boil for 25 minutes, strain and apply
liberally. I also infuse jewelweed into cider
vinegar, and prefer that preparation to pretty much
everything but the freshly crushed plant for poison ivy
and sumach rashes.
Apple cider vinegar also makes the base for the awesome
hydrating beverage switchel (what a great word), which I
was first given by
Kathryn Krumwiede while
teaching in Minnesota on a super hot sunny weekend some
years ago. Combine 1/4 cup raw apple cider
vinegar, 2 tablespoons raw honey and 1 quart filtered
water; shake or stir till dissolved and YUM! You
can add a few slices of ginger for flavor, or use an
infused vinegar (I like to infuse fresh blackberries in
the cider vinegar).
Of course, cider vinegar is also the base for
Rosemary Gladstar's
famous Fire Cider. Her recipe: Chop equal parts fresh
garlic, onions, and horseradish into small pieces. Grate
about half that much fresh ginger. Make enough of the
first four ingredients to fill a quart jar approximately
half full. Put in wide mouth quart jar and cover with
Apple Cider vinegar (keep vinegar about two to three
inches above the herbs). Add cayenne to taste (just a
small amount or will be too hot!). Let sit two to three
weeks, then strain and discard spent herbs. Add honey to
taste (after you strain the rest of the herbs). Fire
Cider should taste hot, spicy and sweet. Great as a
winter time tonic and/or as a remedy for colds and
coughs. I loved to take little shot glasses as a tonic
and often people use it as salad dressing and/or on rice
or steamed vegetables...
(Here I'll add that, despite the fact that Rosemary was
writing and freely sharing the Fire Cider recipe decades
ago, a company names Shire City Herbals trademarked her
name, and started telling other people (many of whom
have been making fore cider longer than they have) they
couldn't use than name anymore. You can read
Rosemary's thoughts on this issue
here. She's so
gracious. Me, I say this: Don't buy Shire City
Herbals Fire Cider. With regards to Shire City
themselves, I say
(yeah, slightly less gracious...)
It must be stated that Apple leaves, bark and seeds all
contain hydrocyanic acid - "cyanide" - and that this means
some sensible, informed caution needs to be exerted in
using preparations of Apple. Hydrocyanic acid is
widespread in the plant kingdom, found in peaches,
almonds, apricots and many other fruit trees. It is
itself partially responsible for the medicinal virtues of
herbs that contain it. In herbal medicine, Wild
Cherry Bark, which contains hydrocyanic acid, is a popular
and admirably safe remedy by which the use of apple may be
put into perspective. Apple probably existed in
early herbal medicine as a substitute or alternative to
Cherry Bark. I've used a tincture of fresh Peach
leaves and twigs for years, as much because it tastes so
good as that it's good for me. The hydrocyanic acid
is most concentrated in the seeds, and these should not be
used, though they're commonly consumed by "juicers".
Personally, I don't feel that apple preparations are
dangerous, but be sensible and make them with a light
hand... after all, taking responsibility for your health
means you also have to take responsibility for learning
about the things you use to sustain it. King's
American Dispensatory states, "Apple tree bark (tea) may
be given in doses of 1 to 4 fluid ounces, 3 times a day."
Small doses of the tincture, from 5-15 drops, would be
preferable to larger doses, and this much would likely be
sufficient to handle run of the mill heartburn (apple's
cousin peach is also very good for this). The
Lucius Sayre used much
larger doses; up to 60 drops of a fluid extract. Despite my
opinions about its safety, it makes sense to be informed
about the symptoms of hydrocyanic acid poisoning: anxiety,
confusion, dizziness, headache and vomiting are initial
indicators, and warrant a call to your local poison
control center. It should be stated that apple seeds
(which are not traditionally used medicinally) are
indeed dangerous;
Michael Castleman
writes "About 1/2 cup of seeds can be deadly for the
average adult, but considerably less is fatal for
children and the elderly."
Oh, but egad, we can't end with that!
How bout this poem, by Robin Skelton...
This old apple tree
has begun to be
more than memory
of more than days
of climbing children,
of silk-white blossom
blessing the garden
with snows of praise;
it's grown a creature
older than Nature,
a Truth whose stature
we can't deny;
though twisted and split
with lopped branches, it
is the whole spirit
of earth and sky,
of water and fire,
the mystical gyre
that, doubling the spire
of helix, brings
our every face,
our every space,
our kindred, our race,
our gatherings,
five seeds in a star
that announces we are
beyond near and far
yet of the tree
blessing time's garden
with dropping blossom
teaching the children
© jim