.~:photo courtesy of sapphire kate:~.
Solomon's Seal
I learned about Solomon's Seal
early on; identifying it (along with Cleavers) from
Lesley Bremness's
Eyewitness Handbook as I was sitting with friends
after a woodland wedding in Hastings. A few
months later I read about it in Matthew Wood's
Book of Herbal
Wisdom, and that fall I
harvested some roots to make tincture. Not much
later that Autumn a woman I knew slipped and fell,
wrenching her knee quite badly while I was over at her
place. I went out into the woods behind their
house, dug some roots up, simmered them for a bit in
oil and had her use that topically. She went to
the doctor the next day, and was referred to an
orthopedic specialist the next day, who said it was
quite a bad injury and would likely require surgery.
A day after that I dropped off some of the tincture I
had made, and then next time she went in to the
orthopedist (a couple weeks later), she was told that
she had healed phenomenally well and there would be no
need for the surgery after all.
So that was my first experience
using it, and since then I've just kept racking up
more and more cases typically exhibiting marked and
even drastic recoveries. I don't think there's a
single other plant I use that so reliably produces
such story-worthy results, and as there is far too
little information clearly elaborating on Solomon's
Seal's remarkable virtues, I figured I should help
remedy that...
Solomon's Seal is an invaluable but
little known remedy found peppered throughout
Michigan's woodlands. Its range extends
throughout the eastern woodlands into the Midwest,
and, to my knowledge, fails somewhere on its way into
the West, though its sister False Solomon's Seal seems
to exist there prolifically enough to have been
written about by Michael Moore. Where I'm at, it
seems to exist commonly, though not abundantly, in our
woodlands. There's always more false Solomon's
Seal than True, and this makes its ecological status
an important consideration, especially when harvesting
the plant (but I'll discuss that below). Early
in the spring it sends up a slightly zigzagging stem
bearing alternate leaves. I've often heard it
claimed that Solomon's Seal's stem is relatively
straight, and that it is False Solomon's Seal's that
zigzags. This is may be true sometimes, but not
all the time, and so isn't a reliable pneumonic device
(it's more commonly true that False Solomon's Seal's
stem is "plumper" that the True). At each leaf
joint, there hangs a pair of whitish green flowers,
shaped similar to little bowling pins whose bottoms
open up as the flowering progresses. Over the
summer, these ripen from green to purple-blue berries
in autumn.. These berries are considered "toxic"
and should not be eaten, though I've never really
heard it explained in what manner they're toxic.
Nevertheless, because of this, the entire plant is
sometimes listed as "toxic" in some herbals. The
root, which is the part used medicinally, is certainly
not toxic to any degree, and was used by Native
Americans as a food source, and is used as a wild food
by numerous people nowadays who are into that sorta
thing. I have used the plant extensively, and
never seen nor heard of any negative reactions, and so
(allowing for the rare exceptions that always exist)
encourage you to scribble out any such claims in any
books you have or may in the future find. Of
course, care should also be taken to distinguish the
plant from
False Solomon's Seal
Bellflower, both of
which look similar to "True" Solomon's Seal.
Without doubt, Solomon's Seal is the most useful
remedy I know of for treating injuries to the
musculoskeletal system. I've used it to treat broken
bones, sprains, injured tendons and ligaments,
tendonitis, arthritis, dryness in joints and "slipped"/herniated discs (including mine -
that sure did hurt...). Solomon's Seal has the
remarkable ability to restore the proper tension to
ligaments, regardless of whether they need to be
tightened or loosened. This makes it a valuable remedy
for sports & activity related injuries, used either
before resorting to or along with conventional
surgical procedures. I know of several instances when
use of Solomon's Seal prevented the need for surgery,
and also have seen it speed recovery time for people
who have had surgery. One person I worked with who was
taking a blend of Solomon's Seal, Mullein Root and a
wee bit of Comfrey reported that his doctor told him
with some surprise that his crushed kneecap had healed
remarkably between his initial X-rays and his two week
follow up; even the cartilage had begun to repair
When I "slipped" or herniated my
disc, the formula I came up with to address
strengthening the actual disc itself was 7 parts
Solomon's Seal, 5 parts each (or was it three? I
never quite remember...) Mullein Root and Horsetail,
and 1 part Goldenseal tinctures. I took this in
7 drop doses, and could literally feel the pain and
sensitivity in the disc diminishing; which is too say
that when the top half of my body felt waaay to
heavy to be perched all atop that disc, the tincture
created a notable easing of that sensation. This
formula doesn't address the muscular/nerve involvement
often accompanying such injuries, but is more specific
to the connective tissues, strengthening them,
equalizing tension and restoring alignment.
Saint John's Wort is probably the ideal herb to
address attendant nerve pain, and muscle spasms and
tension can indicate a plethora of distinct remedies
(Lobelia, Black Cohosh, Arnica, Prickly Ash...) or
more general ones (Cramp Bark, Kava Kava,
Valerian...). I still use the disc formula when
I overdo it and feel that sensitivity creep back into
the disc; it often takes care of the problem in a few
doses. I've had consistent good results in
clients using it in formulas for disc injuries as
well. Remarkable stuff.
Even more complicated situations
can benefit dramatically from the use of Solomon's
Seal. I've consulted a man with achondroplasia (a form
of "dwarfism") whose entire musculoskeletal system is
tight, enflamed and bowing. He tore the anterior
cruciate ligament in his knee, leaving him debilitated
and unable to straighten the leg out at all. His
wife gave him a blend of Mullein flower and Horsetail
tincture, and applied Mullein leaf poultices, and he
was, after 2 days, able to bend his leg "ever so
slightly". About three weeks later, she added
Solomon's Seal tincture, and by the next morning the
results were marked: "He puttered in his shop all day,
without his walker, only his cane. He was beyond
thrilled, he was ecstatic." To put this in
perspective, she said that "The last time this
happened to him, they operated on day 8, with no
improvement or relief whatsoever UNTIL surgery."
He's continued to use the Solomon's Seal, along with
some other herbs to address the numerous other
complications arising from the achondroplasia, and his
wife says that he "swears he can feel it working, not
just in his joints and tendons, but he says even in
his bones? Is that normal? He's thrilled about it, so
even if it's not normal, I doubt I could get him to
stop taking it."
I consider Solomon’s Seal an invaluable connective
tissue anti-inflammatory. Several people I know
swear by Solomon's Seal as their preferred treatment
for arthritis, but its certainly not a universal
remedy in this condition. I use it frequently to address
tendonitis and repetitive stress injuries; its much
more clearly indicated here. This is also
something I've dealt with first hand. I've
"nipped it in the bud" before, but one time wanted
to how well it would work on a case of longer
standing, so let the condition develop a
bit to where it pretty much hurt all the time, and was
quite painful in certain positions. I took
7 drops of Solomon's Seal tincture a few times a day
and sting my arm from wrist to elbow with fresh
Nettles in the morning and evening. After three
days, the condition resolved entirely. I know
other people who have used it (without the Nettles)
and it worked for them as well, though not as quickly
as with the Nettle sting. Some years ago now, I
used Solomon's Seal and Black Cohosh to help a man
with Lupus, an autoimmune disorder causing severe
inflammation of the connective tissue. Initial results
were remarkably good, but he had a flare up resulting
from some shifting around of his medications, which
resulted in their prescribing even more meds, and
after that the Solomon’s Seal, I think, just couldn’t
cut through the powerful drugs. Sigh… I used a similar
combination, with the addition of Saint John’s Wort,
for a woman who had developed severe muscle weakness
as a side effect of statin drugs. She recovered
entirely upon using the remedy in 10 drop doses twice
daily. On another occasion I combined it with Mullein
Root and Saint John's Wort for a man with
sciatica-like pains resultant from an enflamed SI
joint. Literally one 5 drop dose improved the
condition by 90% (I think the residual 10% was from
the injured disc that caused the SI inflammation).
It also seems specific when there is inadequate
lubrication in the joint (which can be felt and
sometimes even heard), and I've seen it resolve this
right quick on a number of occasions.
So how does it work? Long years ago, I believed
that the gooey mucilage in the roots finds its way to
the enflamed tissues and coats and lubricates them,
which reduces friction and irritation and soothes the
tissues themselves. But this certainly can’t be, as it
wasn't long before I Iearned that a.) mucilages aren’t
extracted by alcohol very well, and the dosage of
tincture is far too small for it to be working on a
physical level and b.) mucilages don't get into the
blood stream and thus into joints. Matthew Wood
speculated that Solomon's Seal might stimulate the
body to produce cortisone, and my current belief is
that it acts on the synovial glands, improving the
production or quality of synovial fluid in some way and thus lubrication in
the joints. Often you can clearly perceive a
notable lessening of friction in the joint shortly
after a dose is taken. On a few instances I've
seen this friction cease entirely for a short period
after the dose. But who knows
exactly what’s going on; what is clear is that it
works, and if that’s the case, understanding why isn’t
entirely necessary (though it can be nice). In
regards to the aforementioned use of helping
tendons/ligaments tighten or loosen as needed, I
think this has to do with its moistening effect.
Dry tissues loose their pliability; they're
"stiff"... think of an old dried out piece of
leather. It doesn't want to stretch, but if
you do stretch it, it doesn't want to go back to its
original shape. But, moisten that
leather and its pliability is restored. It can
stretch out or tighten back to its natural length.
So the key indication for its use
is inflammation associated with dryness. Maybe
the dryness causes the inflammation, or maybe vice
verse... it doesn't seem to matter. Solomon's
Seal seems to moisten connective tissues and
lubricate joints, and in so doing ease attendant
Equally remarkable is the dosage needed to obtain such
results. I've recommended as little as three to five
drops a day, as this is what I learned from Matthew
Wood, who is responsible for bringing this obscure
herb into popular knowledge. If significant results
aren't seen within a week or two, the dose can be
upped as needed up to 30 drops three times daily,
though I don't know of anyone who's needed to take
that much... usually between five and fifteen drops
will do the trick; 5 and 10, really. I usually
take 7 drops, as I've always been rather fond of that
number. Concerning "how long it takes to work",
let me say this. I've personally seen many
remarkably fast resolutions, and I know of many
more. But, these instances, cool as they are,
can lead to problematic expectations. Just
because someone I worked with took 5 drops and was
"Wow! Healed!" doesn't mean that the next person
isn't gonna need to take 10 drops 5 times a day for
a month or three. It's all individual.
If that person were to discontinue usage because
they thought it would just make them better in a day
or two, they'd miss out on what it can offer with
more consistent use.
Solomon's Seal is perfectly suited
as a "base" upon which to blend formulas, and well
crafted combinations potentiate its effectiveness.
Saint John's Wort is indicated if there is nerve
involvement (numbness, tingling, shooting or searing
pains), Mullein Root if there is a misalignment
involved (either in the way bones are healing together
or in cases of spinal curvature & subluxations),
Horsetail to aid the healing of bones & cartilage,
Black Cohosh for dull, achy, inflammatory pain in the
muscles or for whiplash, a teeny tiny bit of
Goldenseal for injured discs (learned, as well, from
Matt Wood), Arnica for pain from injury, Teasel for
muscle injuries and tears, Blue Vervain if there's a
lot of tension in the nape of the neck & upper
shoulders (especially if it results from rigid, self
imposed idealism), Yarrow if there is bruising, blood
stagnation or, conversely, bleeding, Lobelia is there
are severe muscle spasms, fresh Nettle, applied
(yup, stung by) externally for tendonitis... pant pant
pant... well, you get the picture. It combines
I’ve also used an oil infusion of the root as an
external remedy for joint injuries. It has proven
quite useful for sprains, and others I know have also
found that it’s helped with sprains, a baker’s cyst,
and a suspected heal spur to boot (heh heh… I love
puns). Combine it with the usual blend of Saint
John's Wort, Arnica, and maybe some Yarrow and I think
you'll be impressed.
Solomon's Seal has other uses as well. The same
mucilage that lubricates joints can loosen mucous in
the lungs to treat dry coughs, as well as intestinal
inflammation, and the starchy roots contain sugars
that feed healthy bacteria in the intestines. The
roots have been used in cases of male infertility,
along with Milky Oat Seeds and Burdock root, if this
problem appears to be the result of atrophied (dried
out) tissues. Most old literature focuses on it as
being an excellent external treatment for bruises and
black eyes, though I've yet to ask anyone to punch me
so I could try this usage out...
That, by the way, brings me to the
old Gerard comment about its usefulness for wives who
have "stumbled into their hasty husbands fists".
What an ass. That's such an offensive statement,
really, and it's a shame that that's what a lot of
herb books feel the need to write down under their
entry for Solomon's Seal. Hopefully, in the
past, some of those same "hasty husbands" stepped on
some minced up root on the floor in the kitchen,
slipped on its gooey mucilage, and had some sense
knocked into them, or their "hastiness" knocked out of
As a member of the Lily family, Solomon's Seal
contains small amounts of the cardioactive compound
convallarin (found in higher concentrations in its
relative, Lily of the Valley). Though this is a potent
chemical constituent, it seems to be in insufficient
quantity to be of concern or use. I've used Solomon's
Seal with patients on heart medication and who have
heart murmurs and seen no signs of adverse effects.
However, my friend Betty Rinaldi, an excellent and
darn cool herbalist in St. Clair Shores, told me
she’d heard about it being used externally over the
heart to address heart murmurs. Though I
haven't seen it affect heart murmurs in those using
it internally, perhaps this is a potential of the
plant, or maybe more pronounced in different
My personal feeling is that Solomon's Seal extract is
so useful in treating injuries that one should always
keep some on hand, but because it is so little used,
finding it commercially can be difficult (there are
some sources listed on my
links page). So,
Collect it this way:
Find a plant and trace down the
stem till you feel the root in the soil. Very often
the roots are quite close to the surface, and if this
is the case, and there's not a lot of clay to deal
with, you can harvest with your fingers - if not, hope
you've got a small trowel... The front of the root
will have the bud of the next year's growth, while the
back can reach upwards of a foot behind the stem.
Trace back two to three inches from the stem and sever
the rear portion of the rhizome with a knife or trowel
(or break it with your fingers), and pull that portion
up from the ground. I find that if I run a
finger underneath the roots as I'm pulling it up, I
can collect it more effectively. It will be a
creamy white color, and appear to have knobby knuckles
indicating the previous year's stalks (I've collected
plants over 13 years old). Because the growing portion
of the plant is never removed from the ground, plants
harvested in this manner show no signs of impact or
distress, and will continue to grow unimpeded by
harvesting. Very often, new shoots will grow
from where the root was cut, which means more above
ground plants, more flowers, more berries, and so more
seeds. Also, any pieces of the back of the root that
break off will likely, as well, continue to grow into
new plants. Collected in this manner, you'll
have more plants growing where you harvest than were
there when you started, and that is indeed a good
We often, as herbalists, talk about
asking permission, making an offering, and thanking
the plants we gather for their medicine. These
are all acts of importance. But a pinch of
Tobacco or a "thank you" won't mean nearly as much to
a plant as being collected in a respectful and
sustainable manner that allows it and its children to
continue to thrive in its habitat. Taking the
time and extra effort to harvest in this way shows the
plant how deeply you respect it, and it will return
this kindness not only with its continued growth, but
by offering the sweetest of medicines.